Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
A. Benveniste is the Scientific Director of the CominLabs Excellence Center (Laboratoire d'Excellence, part of the program Investissements d'Avenir of the french government). He is member of the Strategic Advisory Council of the Institute for Systems Research, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, USA. He is president of the Scientific Committee of the Common Bell Labs Inria Laboratory. He is member of the Scientific Council of France Telecom. (Only facts related to the activities of DistribCom team are mentioned. Other roles or duties concern the S4 team, to which A. Benveniste also belongs.) Albert Benveniste is a member of the French Academy of Technologies.
Loïc Hélouët co-organizes the 68NQRT weekly seminar on formal methods. This seminar proposes around 40 talks each year. For more details, see .
Claude Jard was the scientific director of the research of the Brittany extension of the ENS Cachan. He recently moved to Nantes, where he is the director of the CNRS cluster Atlanstic, gathering the public laboratories in ITCS in Pays de la Loire.
Eric Fabre leads the High Manageability joint team of Inria and Alcatel Lucent.
Axel Legay Co-organized the quantitative methods workshop at formal methods days. He also co-organized the winter school on quantitative methods at IT Copenhagen.
Guillaume Aucher was a PC member of AAMAS 2013, an auxiliary reviewer of TARK 2013, and served as a reviewer for the Logic Journal of the IGPL. He has been elected a member of the scientific council of the University of Rennes 1.
François Schwarzentruber was an auxiliary reviewer of TARK 2013 and AAMAS 2013.